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Giving your home a thorough pre-sale clean | $ |

When the time comes to sell or rent out your home, it's always important to get the most out of the deal as possible. The rent you receive will be a supplementary income and, if you're selling, the money from the sale will be used to buy a new home or fund another investment. Conducting a thorough clean from top to bottom is a great way of making the best possible impression on anyone interested in your property. It's also important to clean your home before you photograph it so that everything is as perfect as can be.

Start from the top and tackle one room at a time. It can often seem like a tall task, but if you allocate just a day or two to each room, you will make steady and notable progress. When cleaning, you should start by dusting any cobwebs. Take the time to move all of your decorative items and, while you're at it, start packing away anything that doesn't need to be on display. This will make it that much easier when packing for the final move, and it will be easier to keep your home clean.

Pre clean

Give any appliances and other fixtures a good polish and treat any wood with the appropriate products to enhance their natural appearance. Take the time to clean your windows inside and out as well as inside the window frames. You can also inspect your windows and grease any squeaky mechanisms.

Take special note of any odors as you clean. You should keep your drains, bathroom, and kitchen clean. Cleaning any carpets and curtains will also help freshen up the air in your home as will proper daily ventilation. Just remember that, along with the fresh air, dust will also enter your home so you will need to dust daily.

Vacuuming is the best for all floor types (not just carpets) because sweeping tends to allow smaller dust particles to lift up into the air and resettle later. So, no matter how well you clean your home, if you sweep, you are bound to find dust on surfaces as a result. Smells tend to linger in kitchens if you don't take your trash out regularly. Make sure that you clean your trash can when removing the bag. Any spills can have an unpleasant effect.

As you work your way from room to room, take note of any cluttered spaces. The more cluttered a room, the smaller it will appear. So, open the room up by packing away anything that's not considered essential. Make sure that all of your closets are well organized so that you have plenty of space for all of your necessary belongings.

If you have any damage to your property, now is the time to tend to is. Scuff marks on the walls from moving furniture, for example, should be touched up so that your home is in perfect shape. Repaint areas that need it and remember that sometimes a completely fresh coat of paint is better than simply touching up. This is because the fresh coat will usually have a slightly different shade compared to the old paint.

As far as your major cleaning project is concerned, you might feel happy to do it yourself, or you may be better off hiring a professional. You can always perform daily cleaning in order to keep your home in great shape. Painting can also be done by professionals if you are willing to pay a bit extra for labor. The DIY approach is cheaper but will require more time and effort.

For expert advice and assistance selling your Toronto home, contact Marina Rigenco at (647) 834-2292 and get your property listed today!

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