Tips for showing your home in winter | $ |

The real estate market is never stagnant. No matter the month or season, homes are bought, sold, and rented out to tenants. So, since we can’t control the weather, it’s important to understand how to make the most of it. The winter months present the greatest challenge of all, but each problem has an extremely practical solution.

Clear Walkways and Entrances

If you want people to visit your home, you need to make it as easy as possible. Make sure that the pathway to your front door is clear and allows for easy access. The same should be done for your garden (if applicable). You might like to highlight certain features of your garden, and this may require clearing a pathway.

Remove Ice

Ice can pose quite a risk, particularly when it’s dark out. Icy driveways, steps, and pathways can result in potential buyers experiencing a mishap before they even enter your property. Monitor your property for ice and don’t forget to look up too! Icicles form in the most inconvenient places, and you wouldn’t want any nasty surprises should one of them suddenly break off!

Clean Windows

When the snow falls, and the window howls, the soft snowflakes are hurled against your windows, doors, and the entire exterior of your home. In order to make sure that your home is as attractive as possible, it’s important that you gently clean the snow off your windows and window frames. This will also ensure that your visitors can appreciate the views from all the windows of your home, and this will give them a better idea of the full extent of your property.

Warm and Welcoming

When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing better than stepping into a comfortably warm home. This means that your home should be warm enough that you don’t feel cold, but you should not overheat your home to such an extent that you make visitors sweat. We are affected by even the slightest temperature differences which is why an overheated home can make many people feel quite ill.

Light a Fire

A roaring fire provides heat while improving the overall ambience and it will make potential buyers to feel even more at home. The warm glow of the fire is also a pleasant source of light.

Selective Lighting

Lighting is extremely important. You want to make sure that each room is properly lit so that there are no dark areas or corners. Lamps and lights with dimmer switches allow you to control the amount of light in each area of your home.

Have Fun Baking

Smell is the most powerful of all the body's senses and new visitors to your home are most likely to pick up on smells that you may no longer notice. After cleaning your home and ventilating each room, you can take it one step further by baking biscuits, cupcakes, or whatever you prefer. The sweet smell will fill your home, and you will have a delicious home baked treat to offer visitors.

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